“Wer verzweifelt, hat das irgendwo gelernt. Whoever is desperate has learnt that somewhere.” (Oskar Werner)
Dramatis personae
II, IV, VI, VII AimA (vocals)
I – IX Christien H. (drums)
II Dimo Dimov (guitars)
VIII Estella Plunkett (vocals)
III, V Eugene Voronovsky (violin, violin arrangements)
I – IX Marcel P. (bass)
VI Marcel P. (percussion)
IV Meri Tadic (violin)
X Phobos Reactor (remix)
I – XVIII Gerhard Hallstatt
„Und diejenigen, die man tanzen sah, wurden für verrückt gehalten von jenen, welche die Musik nicht hörten. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.“ (Friedrich Nietzsche)
VII was originally recorded for Sturmpercht
IX is a cover version of Als wärs das letzte Mal by Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. Lyrics: Gabi Delgado-López
X is a remix by Phobos Reactor
XI – XVIII are the shortened songs from the early Allerseelen cassette Morgenröte (1988)
Recordings: Dungeon Studio (Rhenania). Gesamtkunstwerk Studio, Haus zur letzten Latern
Mastering: Marcel P. – Dungeon Studio (Rhenania)
English translations: Simon Collins
Photographs: Gerhard Hallstatt
:retortae: – arkaisk 4
Aorta – AORCD 22