smyw prod. Switzerland



CDr-EP Ltd.49 Cat. Lesion #0013 Year 2013

This EP has been produced in order to celebrate a very special collaboration and a very special live event in Athens. “Including 2 songs composed and arranged especially for the specific live event and one more from the upcoming iNsCissorS full length album on which we have also the honor of featuring Evor Ameisie from NG”.


Saints Named After Slayers
The Carrion Symposium
Sanatorheum Session III


Composed, arranged & Performed by Vincent Andelmoth

Vocals, Choirs, Lyrics & Additional Instruments by AimA

Additional Vocals on "The Carrion Symposium" by Evor Ameisie

Mixed by Jason & Vincent Andelmoth

Mastered by Larva

Cover Artwork by Diego Cinquegrana

Sleeve Design by Vincent Andelmoth & Aimaproject SA

Beast of Prey and Zoharum



CD Digifile Ltd.300 Cat.BOP 79, ZOHAR 071-2, Year 2014

Vincent Andelmoth is the director of this dream act, AimA the main narrator and the rest of the cast is full of special guests, including Maciej “Dragos” Mehring from Bisclaveret, Evor Ameisie, Michiel Spape from H.E.R.R. and Annamaria Bernadette Cristian. This imaginary travelling company introduces to us the life cycle of the ichneumons. The mysterious members of this circus satirize the pestilence of man over nature and its similarities with the parasitic insect. Parasites can be found amongst all species.




Prelude (…to Incubation) – with AimA
Nothing Moves Here: Session I
** Act I
Dust & Light
ΥΒΡΙΣ (Hubris)- with AimA
Ate & Litae
** Interlude I
The Ichneumon Queen’s Chamber
Nothing Moves Here: Session II
** Act II
SideShow Music II: The Hominoid Helminth
SideShow Music III: Inside The Circus Of Ichneumons – with AimA
Small Quiet Music & The Old Sleeping Manor – with AimA
** Interlude II
ΛΕΒΙΘΑ (Helminth)
Nothing Moves Here: Session III
** Act III
The Carrion Symposium – with AimA
** Final Interlude
SideShow Music III (Reprise) – with AimA
** Act V
Nothing Moves Here (The Voices Made Me Do It) – with AimA
Nothing Moves Here: Session IV


Vincent Andelmoth: Composing, Arrangements & Soundscapes

Jason Andelmoth: Additional Arrangements

AimA: Vocals, Choirs, Overtone Harp, Chimes

Maciej "Dragos" Mehring: Vocals on tracks II, VII, XII & XVII

Evor Ameisie: Vocals on track XIII

M.: Vocals on track IX

Mabuse, AimA's black persian.: Screams on track IX

Michiel Spape: Conducting & Arrangements on track V

Annamaria Bernadette Christian: Cellos on track XVIII

Cover image created by John Santerineross