I could work on Flamme, another of Allerseelen’s old songs characterized by a particular cabaret atmosphere that smells of Twenties.
With the open-mindedness that I recently recognize in few artists, Gerhard has placed another of Allerseelen’s historical pieces in my hands.
Working on this song was a lot of fun and relaxing because I could relate to it
in a 1920s atmosphere very far from the conceptual heaviness that characterizes me (sic!).
After all, this is also what attracts me working for Allerseelen: having the possibility of identifying myself every time in totally different situations and characters.
Gerhard’s broad musical vision always offers new insights in conceptual and musical research to the point of forcing me to explore new vocals.
Flamme in this version was released a few months on the Morgenröte album.
See you very soon for updates on our fruitful collaboration.


“Oui, je sais bien d’où je viens !
Inassouvi, comme la flamme,
J’arde pour me consumer.
Ce que je tiens devient lumière,
Charbon ce que je délaisse :
Car je suis flamme assurément ! “

Nietzsche, poème “Ecce Homo” in “Le Gai Savoir”

Dramatis personae


II, IV, VI, VII AimA (vocals)
I – IX Christien H. (drums)
II Dimo Dimov (guitars)
VIII Estella Plunkett (vocals)
III, V Eugene Voronovsky (violin, violin arrangements)
I – IX Marcel P. (bass)
VI Marcel P. (percussion)
IV Meri Tadic (violin)
X Phobos Reactor (remix)
I – XVIII Gerhard Hallstatt

VII was originally recorded for Sturmpercht
IX is a cover version of Als wärs das letzte Mal by Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. Lyrics: Gabi Delgado-López
X is a remix by Phobos Reactor
XI – XVIII are the shortened songs from the early Allerseelen cassette Morgenröte (1988)

Recordings: Dungeon Studio (Rhenania). Gesamtkunstwerk Studio, Haus zur letzten Latern
Mastering: Marcel P. – Dungeon Studio (Rhenania)

English translations: Simon Collins

Photographs: Gerhard Hallstatt